Dalet Galaxy xCloud for Home Production

What did just happen?

It is astonishing to see how a virus that is less than 0.12 μm big, with no allies, no enemies and no intelligence is hitting the world economy so badly in just a couple of months. Obviously, the Media and Entertainment industry is no exception

With half of the world’s countries under confinement, broadcasters need to adapt extremely fast – and suppliers need to respond. The vast majority of newsroom users – journalists, video editors, chief editors – are forced to stay home. While production hub systems continue to run, the challenge is to provide users with all the tools they need to work from their home, on their laptops or mobile devices. 

In conversations with our customers, we have learnt this is often problematic for multiple reasons. Usually the on-premise systems do not support remote connections, or there are not enough VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) licenses, or because the VPN is not adequately dimensioned. Overall, limitations revolve around security and IT infrastructure. Clearly, until recent times, home-based production was neither an established practice nor part of any tried-and-tested business continuity plan.

Remote Editing
80% of your production teams can work remotely

The new normal is here

If this sounds all too-familiar in your news organization, Dalet Galaxy xCloud can help – it is a dedicated, cloud-hosted Dalet Galaxy five system, managed by Dalet as a full SaaS service. It connects to your existing on-premises system and supports workflows for remote editing teams.

Having talked to our clients and understood their most immediate needs, we wanted to help by packaging a multi-purpose solution to sustain their business continuity. Dalet Galaxy xCloud secures, first and foremost, continuity for all home-based collaborative editing needs, while users remain connected to the central Dalet Galaxy system.

At the core of the solution is a SaaS-based Dalet Galaxy five system, installed, maintained and operated by Dalet. This cloud-based solution allows users to: 

  • connect with Dalet OneCut standalone clients, enabling powerful remote editing capabilities. Content creators can mix local and remote content, and leverage OneCut’s smart caching mechanism that provides a seamless remote editing experience
  • connect with Dalet WebSpace to perform everyday news production tasks: search, preview, approve, edit metadata, log, cut and more. 
  • receive real-time updates and access the latest ingested content as it arrives in the central production system, enabling collaborative workflows for distributed team members
  • work with Dalet Xtend, which supports Adobe Premiere Pro editing within the Dalet Galaxy xCloud environment

Leveraging Dalet SaaS-Based Solutions for Remote Production Workflows

You’ll be (remote) working in no time!

What makes Dalet Galaxy xCloud extremely handy is that it can be quickly deployed, your home-office users can easily install Dalet OneCut on their laptop and start editing and collaborating with your central system right away. The solution comes with multiple options such as real-time chat, content exchange, edit-while-record, and a wide range of Dalet Galaxy five newsroom features. 

The Dalet Galaxy xCloud system can potentially connect to any on-premises MAM or PAM system and leverages the power of the cloud, making it highly scalable and secure.

Contact us to discuss how Dalet Galaxy xCloud can help your news teams to continue to tell vital stories, while staying safe, no matter where they are.

Featured in: Dalet Galaxy xCloud | News Production | Remote Work |

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By Raoul Cospen

Raoul Cospen is a Dalet pioneer, and played an integral role in driving the transformation to IT-based, fully integrated newsrooms for the past two decades. He has always felt passionate about being at the heart of newsroom operations, a passion that has driven his vision across multiple roles at Dalet. In his current role, Raoul works closely with Dalet’s customers and partners to define and deliver the most suitable solution to address their media workflow and newsroom requirements.

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